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Tuesday, May 18, 2021
12:00 PM - 12:30PM CST
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in challenges for families with many having to make decisions about childcare and in person schooling. Some working mothers transitioned to work from home while juggling many roles such as mother, teacher, cafeteria lady and more.
To take care of these responsibilities, many mothers experienced burn out, struggle with their mental health and/or had to make a decision to cut back on work.
Join us during lunch and discover resources and opportunities for overcoming these post-pandemic challenges and head back on the road to strengthen your leadership skills.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
12:00 PM - 12:30PM CST
The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in challenges for families with many having to make decisions about childcare and in person schooling. Some working mothers transitioned to work from home while juggling many roles such as mother, teacher, cafeteria lady and more.
To take care of these responsibilities, many mothers experienced burn out, struggle with their mental health and/or had to make a decision to cut back on work.
Join us during lunch and discover resources and opportunities for overcoming these post-pandemic challenges and head back on the road to strengthen your leadership skills.